June 16th was Gay Pride in Kingston...and it was amazing!
I had a table at the community fair, so I took BeBe along with me. She had never experienced anything quite like this before and I love to expand her little doggie world whenever I can.
My table at the fair was very central and near the performance stage. I have a pretty good view of everything...and there was much to see. People went all out this year, dressing in rainbow gowns, flags, hats, headdresses, and anything else they could find in festive rainbow colours.
While it was busy right away, the population of Skeleton Park exploded after the Pride parade returned. I've been told that a few hundred people took part in the parade and there was 1000 people in the park that day. I'd believe it.
Most of those people also came by to visit and snuggle BeBe. I think her puppy mind was blown by the number of people there. Some people even came back multiple times, brought her treats, and bottled water (which was sweet, since there was actually a free water station not far away).
I also networked with a few organizations, which makes my heart happy. I have so many ideas about mixing my mental health/addictions background and Doulaing that I'd like to get off the ground. Everyone was so receptive and happy to chat...while BeBe wrapped her leash around everything. I love you, Bee, but if you don't just make talking with people so difficult.
I think this is the most successful Kingston Pride ever. It was wonderful to witness so many people (and whole families!) out and celebrating together. I can't wait for next year!