Today was super exciting! I had my first table at my first fair. It wasn't a baby related fair, so I wasn't covered in potential clients, but it was still good. I chatted with other vendors, made some possible connections for referrals, and handed out information to people who were interested. I also put a gift certificate in for the silent auction and I know for sure that someone won it.
I love how everyone has a story about birth. Their childbirth story or the story of someone they know. Good stories and sad stories and stories that make you go OMG. Even if they come to you in hushed tones, there is an excitement about being able to share the story with someone else. I think that is my favourite part about all of this. I love story sharing and I cherish the ones I'm told.
I had some Preggie Pops on my table for people to sample and I honestly couldn't even say how many women stopped just to tell me that they saved them in the worst of their morning sickness.
The whole thing makes me even more excited for the Wee Ones Expo next month. That one is definitely baby related and it's two whole days that I can meet clients or people who know people.
My table was across from a business selling handmade baby mobiles and a table selling knitted/crocheted items. It was a pretty view. Especially the crocheted octopus...I really wanted that octopus.