The first fair I have a table at is coming up very soon. I'm so excited for it. It's like the feeling you get when you are a kid and Christmas is coming up. My table set up is going to be pretty modest for this one, but for the Wee Ones expo in May it's going to be 10x better!
I keep thinking ahead to my future. I have this whole idea of what it could be like. I've never had that before. I can look at other people and see their futures leading straight out in front of them, but mine has always been a blank. Now it's not. Now it's something I can see and almost touch. It's full and rich and alive.
I've also found community. I'm meeting with Doulas in my area for coffee and I also found a group on Facebook that is so loving and supportive. I feel so lucky and blessed to be getting to know these other people. It's hard to feel alone and without a group of like-minded people to turn to and interact with.
I can feel some people trying to bring me down, but I'm just flying above it. I laugh and turn to the light where it is warm and full of possibilities.
