It's funny how people from the past can show up and bring opportunities right along with them.
Someone I used to work with is organizing a fundraiser for our local food bank, which is lovely, but wonderful for me. I've been trying to think of ways to connect with people and places. I prefer seeing people face-to-face and when I heard about this fair, it felt exactly like what I need to introduce myself as a Doula to people. Live and in person. I had been planning on attending the community services fair in May, to hunt down related organizations and introduce myself. I probably still will, but this is great in the meantime.
The fundraising fair is in April, so I have time to get everything together. It sounds like it is going to be a fun time. There are at least 100 vendors signed up and plans for entertainers in the main lobby of the venue.
So I've reserved myself a table and I'm excitedly planning how to decorate my space and how to draw people in.
